

As the Spring Equinox approaches this Friday, it's the ideal time for a little Spring Cleaning!  In nature, the world around us is coming out of hibernation, emerging from rest, and preparing for growth.  We can do the same by preparing our bodies now for the high energy seasons of Spring and Summer where we tend to exert a lot of energy.   Do a detox to help boost your body's energy and strength.  Spring is the season associated with the Liver and there is no better time to give your Liver a break from all the toxins it handles for you on a daily basis.  Thankfully, your liver has the power to regenerate.  It's the only organ that has this capability.  So give it a chance to do so now by eliminating alcohol, processed food and chemicals from your diet for this month.  Or a week or whatever you can do.  





Doctor Radio Rescheduled!

Due to the storms in the Northeast, the Doctor Radio producers have cancelled the show for Tuesday.  We will let you know the new date as soon as it's available



Doctor Radio

Dr. Wen and I will be on Doctor Radio this Tuesday, January 27th talking about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cancer with renowned reconstructive plastic surgeon, Dr. Alexes Hazen!  Tune in - Tuesday, Jan. 27th, Sirius Doctor Radio Channel 81…4-5pm PST, 7-8 pm ET.  Call in # is 1-800-NYU-DOCS


SuperFood Smoothie


SuperFood Smoothie

Start your day off right with a Superfood Smoothie!  Today's version featured cherries, banana, raspberries, kale, organic whey protein, kefir, spirulina, chia seeds, flax seed oil, and litchi juice and water (as needed to blend).  It's a great way to pack in the nutrients when you and your family are on the go.  My 10 year old son liked a version without Spirulina.  #superfood#smoothie#soulspacemalibu#acupunctureheals



Doctor Radio

Dr. Wen and I will be on Doctor Radio (Sirius, ch 81) tomorrow discussing acupuncture, chinese medicine and breast cancer…with NYC Docs, 4 pm Pacific time.  Tune in!  



Keeping children healthy

Children are bombarded by television advertisements for unhealthy foods.  Marketers are very crafty about promoting unhealthy "food" and making it seem like it has health benefits.  Fruit roll-ups for example.  They look like so much fun, and are thought to provide a serving of fruit, but they are loaded with sugar, fake sugar, corn syrup and chemicals.  There is no comparison between that and say, a fresh apple.  NOT an apple that is sprayed with pesticide, picked while it is still green, ripened in a greenhouse, coated in wax, shipped across an ocean, trucked across the country…no, a freshly picked old fashioned apple, in the fall season, from a local farmer.  If your children know the good taste of fruit like that from an early age, then that is what their taste buds will want.  
