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Springtime Refresh!


Springtime Refresh!

Spring is here and there is no better time to refresh your home and body. You may have noticed that you have more energy as the days get longer and warmer. Just as nature awakens from its resting period so do we. Take advantage of the energy of the season by taking on some new projects or completing tasks that you had set aside. This is a great time to de-clutter your living space. Clutter creates stagnation of energy and makes us feel stressed and blocked. Reducing clutter is one of the first principles of Feng Shui, the art of living in harmony with your environment for health, wealth and happiness. If you don’t de-clutter on a regular basis it can feel daunting at first, but tackle one messy drawer or one closet or medicine cabinet to start and go from there. The entrance to your home is particularly important because it is the first thing you see when you come in. Create a space that is visually pleasing to you.

As we clean up our living spaces, it is a perfect time to clean up our bodies too. In spring I love to do regular dry brushing to exfoliate dead skin cells and promote blood circulation, and enjoy saunas and steams to sweat and release toxins, followed by cold plunges or showers. Move the stagnation out of your body by exercising daily - any kind will do! Walks, runs, yoga, pilates, dancing, swimming, HIIT workouts, etc. Just move your body!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Liver is the organ of springtime, so we focus on herbs and plants to benefit the liver. I like to start the day with a green juice or smoothie and usually add greens powder, Anima Mundi liver cleanse, or spirulina. I also make a cleansing vegetable broth and drink that several times a day and use with cooking. It’s so easy to make broth and provides many nutrients.

Vegetable broth recipe: (adapted from Dr. Mao’s Secret’s of Longevity Cookbook) fill a pot 3/4 with assortment of chopped greens - dandelion, chard, kale, cabbage, mustard greens, watercress, add daikon radish, anise, fennel, turmeric, ginger, shiitake mushrooms, kombu or wakame seaweed, cover with water. Bring to boil then reduce heat and simmer for 1 -2 hours, adding Celtic salt and herbs like thyme if desired towards end. Using a mesh strainer, remove the vegetables and enjoy! Store when cooled in airtight glass jars.


Self-Care Spotlight: SoulSpace Malibu

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Self-Care Spotlight: SoulSpace Malibu

Our beautiful friend Corie Tappin is the founder of SoulSpace Malibu, and is such an inspiration for Britt and me for self-care and health. Corie recently invited us into her beautiful studio to learn a little bit more about how she helps her clients achieve wellness, naturally. Since you couldn’t be there with us, Corie is on The Sweet Life offering her expert tips for self-care. Enjoy! XO CYN

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Spring Renewal & Cleansing

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Spring Renewal & Cleansing

This past week while I was in Kauai, there was a tropical storm with massive rainfall and the next morning the ocean water was turbid and brown.  Advisories were issued to keep out of the water temporarily due to storm run-off.  I sat on the porch of my house and watched the ocean clean itself.  Each hour, the water became a little more blue-green and clear.  By 3 pm it was back to normal.  I was a witness to the amazing ability of the ocean to heal itself through it's ability to cleanse itself.  We humans are close to 75% water and have the ability to cleanse and renew ourselves also.  But we must stop polluting ourselves so that we can be renewed.  Watching this beautiful natural spectacle, I resolved to renew myself this Spring.  I hope you will too.  Join me on the 21 Day Spring Transformation Challenge.  


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As the Spring Equinox approaches this Friday, it's the ideal time for a little Spring Cleaning!  In nature, the world around us is coming out of hibernation, emerging from rest, and preparing for growth.  We can do the same by preparing our bodies now for the high energy seasons of Spring and Summer where we tend to exert a lot of energy.   Do a detox to help boost your body's energy and strength.  Spring is the season associated with the Liver and there is no better time to give your Liver a break from all the toxins it handles for you on a daily basis.  Thankfully, your liver has the power to regenerate.  It's the only organ that has this capability.  So give it a chance to do so now by eliminating alcohol, processed food and chemicals from your diet for this month.  Or a week or whatever you can do.  


