Medical Qi Gong


Medical Qi Gong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine which is designed to correct energetic imbalances and blockages in the body.  During Medical Qi Gong, the practitioner may touch areas on the patient's body, or their hands may simply pass over the patient's body.  The patient may experience sensation or may feel nothing at all depending upon how sensitive he or she is to subtle energy movements.  

Qi Gong is also a personal practice centered around simple breathing and movement exercises as well as meditations.  The purpose of a personal practice is to strengthen one's spirit and body.  The practitioner may also give the patient a Qi Gong to do for their own home treatment.

Qi Gong in Nature

Attain the utmost unoccupiedness. Maintain the utmost stillness, and do not interfere with all the things that rush together in activity and grow luxuriantly. Then you can see how living things flourish and renew themselves. Yet, they all must return to the root again, each to its simple source. Knowing to return to the root is to be refreshed. This is called subtle revitalization. To restore one’s vitality is to constantly renew oneself. -Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching


“When you feel most alive, find out why. This is one guest you won’t greet twice.”
— Kabir (1440-1518)